Classification: Magazine
Country of origin: Germany
Language: English
Magazine: > Slanted
Pages: 256
Publishing frequency: 2 issues per year
Dimensions: 24 x 16 x 2.1 cm

Slanted # 42


Country of origin: Germany
Language: English
Magazine: > Slanted
Pages: 256
Publishing frequency: 2 issues per year
Dimensions: 24 x 16 x 2.1 cm
22.00 € including VAT
plus > shipping costs
Book Design
Graphic design
Hot foil stamping
Language: English
Multiple paper stocks
Origin: Germany
Small format
Swiss binding
Swiss brochure

SLANTED # 42 is a magazine about books. Every day, people ponder whether the future of the (printed) book is tied to its sensual quality. How can beautiful books secure their place in the media and society? How are content, medium, and form interconnected? Is manufacturing and design quality, in addition to its functionality, simply to be understood as a marketing argument?


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