Classification: Book
Binding: Linen hardcover
Language: English
Pages: 256
Publisher: Gestalten
Release: 2021
Dimensions: 30.5 x 24.5 x 3 cm

Inspiring Family Homes

Family-friendly Interiors and Design

Binding: Linen hardcover
Language: English
Magazine: > Milk Decoration
Pages: 256
Publisher: Gestalten
Release: 2021
Dimensions: 30.5 x 24.5 x 3 cm
45.00 € including VAT
plus > shipping costs
Interior design
Linen hardcover
Milk Decoration

IINSPIRING FAMILY HOMES takes the reader around the world, opening the doors of all kinds of homes.


Whether in Berlin, Brooklyn, Normandy, Japan, or the Netherlands, this compilation offers readers a distillation of MILK Magazine’s various adventures—a gallery of vivid and distinctive portraits of people who make their interiors a place to express their creativity, their personality, and their art de vivre. From one continent to another, from family to family, influences of the most incredible variety make an appearance: whether collector, bargain hunter, minimalist, or nostalgic, everyone embodies their own unique brand of style.


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