Classification: Book
Binding: Softcover in cardboard slipcase
Language: English
Pages: 208
Publisher: Verlag Kettler
Release: 2022
Dimensions: 27.5 x 21 x 1.90 cm

Queer Tattoo

Binding: Softcover in cardboard slipcase
Language: English
Pages: 208
Publisher: Verlag Kettler
Release: 2022
Dimensions: 27.5 x 21 x 1.90 cm
45.00 € including VAT
plus > shipping costs
Language: English
Open spine binding
Verlag Kettler

In recent years, having received a considerable boost by social media, a young and dynamic scene has emerged that is dedicated to what has become known as queer tattooing. This special community, which is growing steadily, has been born out of a desire to break with the hierarchies and patriarchal structures of traditional tattoo art. It aims to create safe, tolerant, and inclusive spaces where queer, nonbinary, and trans people can experiment away from the mainstream and develop their own individual styles and techniques.


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